Occupational Safety and Hygiene Management Systems
The DOTSON Group offers expert independent professional advisory and support services to assist client organizations in the development, implementation and continuous improvement of occupational safety and hygiene management systems and processes. We offer knowledge in all major occupational safety and hygiene management system approaches from around the world (Five Star, OHSAS 18001 (2007), BS 8800, OSHA-VPP, SafetyMAP, etc) and can successfully integrate these systems into corporate environmental management systems. Kyle Dotson is a co-author of a chapter on Occupational Hygiene and Safety Management Systems in the 6th Edition (2010) of Patty's Industrial Hygiene, ISBN: 978-0-470-07488-6, available at http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470074884.html
Kyle Dotson implemented one of the first American National Standard based Occupational Hygiene and Safety Management Systems (ANSI Z10 2005) at a Fortune 500 electric power company in the US. The ANSI Z10 standard system sections that were fully implemented included Management Safety Leadership and Employee Participation, Planning, Implementation and Operation, Evaluation and Corrective Action, and Management Review. Download a copy of Kyle Dotson's EHS Management System Case Study presented at the EHS Management Systems 101 course at the annual American Industrial Hygiene Association Conference.
Steps addressed during the implementation included defining roles and responsibilities, drafting policy statements for management approval, developing self-assessment and prioritization processes and protocols, and guiding internal staff in the conducting of self audits of plant operations. Benefits have been seen well beyond improvements in hygiene and safety, including employee morale, productivity and performance, and has contributed to the achievement of other organizational and business objectives.
Information Systems for Safety and Hygiene Management
Successful deployment of an Information Management System is crucial to the successful implementation of an effective safety and hygiene management system in multi-site and multi-national corporations. Selecting the right system in todays niche and highly-fragmented environmental hygiene and safety (EHS) software marketplace can be critical to organizational success. Kyle Dotson has personally led the implementation of safety and hygiene management software at three Fortune 500 companies. His services provides the experience necessary to cut through marketing hype to identify the system(s) that best meets your corporate safety and hygiene management needs.
A Digital Dashboard for executive tracking of leading indicators of EHS performance is a key element of successful software implementation. Download a copy of Kyle Dotson's recent presentation at the ASSE Symposium on Measuring Performance for Safety Success on the topic of "EHS Digital Dashboards for Large and Small Organizations".
4400 N Scottsdale Road, Suite 9-906
Scottsdale AZ 85251
Cell: (408) 234-1409
Office: (480) 410-4126
Email: kyle@dotsongroup.com
Contact Us
Kyle Dotson, CIH, CSP, BCEE
Industrial Safety and Hygiene Services